Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Calculus (general Mathematics) (a)(1)        
Calculus (general Mathematics) (a)(2)        
Computer Programming          
General Physics (a)(1)        
General Physics (a)(2)        
General Physics Lab. (1)          
General Physics Lab. (2)          
General Chemistry (a)(1)        
General Chemistry (a)(2)        
General Chemistry Lab. (1)          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
General Chemistry Lab. (2)          
Organic Chemistry (b)(1)          
Organic Chemistry (b)(2)          
Organic Chemistry Lab. (b)(1)          
Organic Chemistry Lab. (b)(2)          
Physical Chemistry (1)          
Physical Chemistry (2)          
Inorganic Chemistry (Ⅰ)          
Service Learning (a)          
Service Learning (b)          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Career Exploration in Geosciences          
An Introduction to Sea-level Change          
Earth and the Environment        
Optical Mineralogy          
Optical Mineralogy Lab.          
Geological Surveying (Ⅰ)  
Geological Surveying (Ⅱ)  
Introduction to Computer Simulations          
Introduction to Computer Simulations Lab.          
Introduction to Geology          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Introduction to Geology Lab.    
Introduction to Materials Science        
Introduction to Field Geology (Ⅰ)      
Introduction to Field Geology (Ⅱ)      
Mineralogy and Petrology          
Mineralogy and Petrology Lab
The Application of Computer on Geology        
The Application of Computer on Geology Lab.        
Introduction to Dating Methods of Quaternary Sediments        
Introduction to Dating Methods of Quaternary Sediments Lab.        
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Introductory Sedimentology    
Introductory Sedimentology Lab.    
Valcanic Hazards and Monitoring        
Field Geology        
Field Geology Lab.        
Introduction to Geochemistry          
Geological Surveying (Ⅲ)    
Geological Surveying (Ⅳ)    
Petrology Lab. (Ⅰ)
Introduction to Volcanology        
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Introduction to Volcanology Lab.
Thesis (b.s.) (1)
Thesis (b.s.) (2)
Petroleum Geology        
Mineral Deposits (Ⅰ)          
Introduction to Geosciences (1)        
Introduction to Geosciences (2)        
Earth Materials          
Earth Materials Lab.
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Earth History        
Earth History Lab.        
Earth Structure        
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms        
Environmental and Engineering Geology
Geological Resources          
Summer Field Camp
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Analytical Chemistry (Ⅱ)          
Analytical Chemistry Lab. (Ⅱ)        
Analytical Chemistry (Ⅰ)          
Analytical Chemistry Lab. (Ⅰ)        
Introduction to Applied Mathematics for Geoscience          
Introduction to Chemical Geology        
Investigating the Earth          
Introduction to Environmental Science and Engineering          
Special Topics in Research
Special Topics in Research (Ⅱ)  
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Geological Surveying (V)  
Fossils Lab        
Observaing the Marine Environment        
Introduction to Climate Change          
Field and Lab for Observing the Marine Environment  
Fluid Mechanics          
East Asian Tectonics      
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Analysis of Geochemical Data          
Introduction to Oil and Gas Resources      
Introduction to the Mechanics of Faulting      
Introduction of Remote Sensing      
Engineering Geology      
Engineering Geology Lab.      
Palynology Lab.          
Regional Geology of Taiwan      
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Isotope Geochemistry      
Environmental Geology Lab.      
Fission-track Dating Method    
Fission-track Dating Method Lab.    
Depositional Systems (Ⅰ)    
Depositional Systems Lab. (Ⅰ)    
Strain Analysis        
Mechanical Behavior of Geological Materials  
Mechanical Behavior of Geological Materials Lab.  
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Introduction to Paleoceanography    
Isotope Geochronology      
Isotope Geochronology Lab.      
Environmental Geochemistry    
Hydrogeology Lab.        
Geologic Hazard Assessment        
Carbonate Geochemistry        
Gas Geochemistry          
Gas Geochemistry Lab          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Geophysical Data Processing        
Environmental Geology      
The Mechanics of Earthquake & Faulting        
Continuum Mechanics Analysis          
Scientific English    
Evolution of the Solid Earth-core,mantle & Crust        
Tectonic Geomorphology          
Earthquake Hazards      
Seminar on Gas Hydrate        
Time Serise Analysis      
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Principles of Seismology      
Seminar in Seismology        
Seminar on Gas Hydrate (Ⅱ)        
Quaternary Dating Methods        
Quaternary Dating Methods Laboratory        
Seminar on Gas Geochemistry (Ⅰ)        
Seminar on Low Temperature Geochronology (Ⅰ)  
Seminar on Geochemistry (Ⅰ)          
Seminar on Geophsics (Ⅰ)        
Applied Mathematics (Ⅰ)          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Subsurface Microbial Ecosystems      
Seminar in Seismology      
Geothermal and Hydrothermal Ecosystmes      
Seminar on Low Temperature Geochronology (Ⅱ)        
Geotectonics Seminar        
Computing Basics        
Regional Paleoceanography        
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry for the Geosciences        
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Mineral Deposits          
Seminar on Seismology Ii      
Seminar on Seismology I      
Seminar on Seismotectonics I (Ⅰ)      
Early Earth          
Remediation and Restoration of Environmental Contamination          
Computer Programming on Geosciences      
Geochemical Perspectives on Petrogenesis        
Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Seminar on Geomicrobiology        
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Applied Geomicrobiology      
Principles and Techniques of Geomicrobiology      
Computing Basics        
Seminar on Application of Isotope Geochemistry      
Lagerstätten: Natural Treasures          
Earthquake Hazard Analysis    
Anthropocene: From Changing Globe to Developing Sustainability      
Analysis of Geochemical Data Lab      
Principles and Practice of Geochemical Analysis      
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Principles and Applications of SAR Interferometry      
Data Analysis And Practical Lab Exercises In Paleobiology        
Water Chemistry        
Regional Geology of Taiwan Field Excursion        
Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting    
Exploring the Natural Forces that Shape the Island          
Nitrogen Cycle in Natural Environment        
Water Analysis      
Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy: Inquiry and Practice        
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Fish Diversity Across Time And Space      
Earth and Planetary Physics        
Fish Diversity Across Time and Space      
Petrographic Analysis of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks      
Applied Mathematics for Geosciences        
Introduction to Micropaleontology and Biostratigraphy Lab.        
Field Survey Techniques in Geology        
Geothermal Exploration and Labatory        
Metamorphic Petrology      
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Mechanics of Materials          
Soil Mechanics          
Engineering Mathematics (1)          
Engineering Mathematics (2)          
Engineering Mechanics          
Electromagnetics (Ⅰ)          
General Biology (b)(1)          
General Biology (b)(2)          
General Biology Lab. (b)(1)          
Core Courses
A. fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
B. practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
C. experimental skills and knowledge
D. skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
E. application of geoscience technology
F. technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
General Biology Lab. (b)(2)          
Core Capabilities A
fundamental knowledge in Geosciences
practical training and knowledge for geological surveys
experimental skills and knowledge
skills and techniques for quantitative analysis
application of geoscience technology
technical skills and knowledge for geological industry
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 201)
109 75 62 116 77 41