Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
History and Institutions of the European Union        
Seminar on European Union    
Seminar on Political and Economic Interaction across Taiwan Strait      
Seminar on European Experiences, Regionalization and Area Study      
Thesis (M.A.)
Seminar on Administrative Culture and Ethic  
Special Topics in Communist China's Foreign Policy      
Seminar on Democratic Politics Theory  
Seminar on Public Policy
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on International Security  
Seminar on Public Law  
Seminar on Public Administration      
Seminar on European Union  
Seminar on the Politics of Urban Development
Modern Political Philosophy in the West
Seminar on Public Relations    
Seminar on Chinese Political Thoughts    
Seminar on Federalism and Separatism  
Seminar on National Defense and Strategy      
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Approaches to Cross-straits Relations  
Statistical Methods for the Social Science    
Seminar on the International Relation Theory    
Seminar on Inter-govermental Relation  
Seminar on Political History of Taiwan    
Seminar on Asia-pacific and Taiwan Security    
Seminar on Cross-strait Relations  
Seminar on Prechin Taoist Thinking and Records    
Seminar on Political Science in Ancient China      
Seminar on Organizational Economics    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Area Studies
Seminar on Selected Topics in Western Political Thought
Seminar on Modern Western Political Thought
Seminar on Foreign Policy Analysis    
Seminar on Problems of International Law    
Seminar on the Political Economy of Taiwan S Development
Seminar on Chinese Political Economy
Seminar on Western Political Thought in the Classical and Medieval Periods  
Seminar on Materials Concerning Politics of Ancient China    
Seminar on Materials Concerning Politics of Modern China    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Methodology of History of the Political Thoughts  
Seminar on Negotiation and Conflict Management  
Seminar on Diplomatic History of R.o.c.  
Seminar on International Political Economy    
Seminar on Globalization  
Seminar on Organizational Theory    
Seminar on the Theories of State and Public Policy
Seminar in Public Budgeting      
Seminar on the Practice of Public Administration    
Seminar on Human Resource Management
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
The Roc Constitution:a Comparative-instttutional Study
Special Topics in the Politics of Communist China  
Seminar on the Methodology of Mainland China Studies
Seminar on Political Economy
Seminar on Political Transition in Ex-socialist and Nascent Democratic C
Seminar on American Government  
Political Economy of the East Asian  
Seminar on Theories of Comparative Politics
Seminar on the Political Development in Taiwan  
Seminar on Crisis Management    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Administrative Functions in the Digital Age      
Seminar on Wei-jing Taoist Thinking and Records        
Seminar on Local Governance  
Seminar on Advanced Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences    
Seminar on Eu's Global Strategy    
Seminar on Nongovernmental Organization and Global  
Seminar on Dissertation Writing
Seminar on Studies on Economic Reform Op Socialist System  
Seminar on Transnational Corporation and International Politics    
Seminar on the Third Sector    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminars on Infrastructure Policy and Governance
Seminars on Late Ching's Foreign Policy        
Seminar on Globalization and East Asian Political Economy  
Seminar on Transitional Justice  
Epistemic Communicaties of China Studies
Seminar on Comparative Democratization  
Seminar on the Governing and Autonomy in Taiwan History    
Seminar on Comparative Politics
Seminar on Election and Voting Behavior
Seminar on China as Political Thought
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Science and Technology in Global Politics    
Seminar on Environmental Politics and Policy
Seminar on Public Choice  
Seminar on Property Rights and Constitutional Interpretation      
Seminar on Arms Control and European Security    
Seminar on Preparing Dissertation and Theses
Seminar on Theory and Methodology in East Asian International Relations    
Seminar on Ir Theories and China's Foreign Policy        
Seminar on Governance and Regulation      
Seminar on International Relations of Southeast Asia        
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Lobbying and Law-making    
Seminar on Archival Documentary Studies        
Seminar on Comparative Epistemology of China Studies: National Case    
Seminar on China as Political Thought: Case Studies    
Seminar on Eu and World Politics        
Seminar on Case Study on Public Governance and Public Law        
Seminar on Election and Voting Behavior      
Seminar on Governments, Parties, Elections, and Democracy    
Seminar on Traditional Thoughts on Chinese Foreign Relations        
Seminar on Social Constructivism of International Relations      
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Nonproliferation , International Security and International Law        
Seminar on Development Aid and International Politics    
Seminar on Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences      
Seminar on the Civilizational Knowledge of International Relationas      
Seminar on Political and Economic Interaction across Taiwan Strait      
Seminar on European Experiences, Regionalization and Area Study      
Seminar on Authoritarian Institutions    
Seminar on Methodology of PRC Study      
Seminar on Japanese Political Thought    
Seminar on Asian Regionalism    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on International Political Economy of Money & Finance      
Seminar on Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia      
Seminar on Economic Statecraft    
Seminar on Financial Globalization, Fiscal Crises, and China’s Foreign Relations    
Seminar on the Study of East Asia through Taiwan-Based Resources      
Seminar on European & International Security        
Seminar on the International Relations of the Cold War in East Asia        
Seminar on Public Governance      
Independent Study        
Seminar on Northeast Asian Security  
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Disarmament and Arms Control      
Seminar on Selected Reading of French Social Sciences      
Seminar on Case Study of Public Law  
Seminar on Games Theory for Political Science      
Seminar on Sampling Methods    
Seminar on French Classical Reading      
Seminar on the Medialaw    
Proseminar on Positivist International Relation Theory    
Han Dynasty Thinking and Records      
Seminar on Asia-pacific International Relations    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Han Dynasty Thinking and Records (Ⅱ)      
Seminar on South American Politics  
Seminar on Han Dynasty Thinking and Records (Ⅲ)      
Seminar on State, Market and Chinese Economy
Seminar on Common Market
Seminar on Cross- Taiwan Strait Relations      
Seminar on Oral History in Theory and Practice        
Seminar on the Defense Policy of Mainland China        
Seminar on Diplomat History of Modern East Asia        
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Theory and Practice of Constitutional Interpretation      
Seminar on WTO Organization and Policy    
Quantitative Methods for Political Science: Analysis of Categorical Data      
Seminar on Institutional Analysis and Public Policy      
Seminar on International Human Rights      
Seminar on Game Theory        
Seminar on Justice and International Politics    
Seminar on Human Behavior as Rational Action      
Seminar on the History of The Communist Party of China        
Seminar on Community Governance and the Third Sector        
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on Bureaucratic Behaviors        
Seminar on Business Negotiation and Politics      
Seminar on East Asia      
Seminar on Contemporary Theories of Justice      
Seminar on Foreign Relations between ROC(Taiwan) and USA(1978-2008)        
I-Sian Lecture - Issues of Development in Taiwan      
Seminar on WTO Trade Negotiation and Dispute Settlement      
Seminar on Political Economy of East Asia      
Seminar on Classics of Political Thoughts: Rousseau      
Seminar on Asian Regionalism      
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on the Political Economy of China    
Seminar on Peace Study      
Seminar on Major Policy Issues      
Seminar on Big Data and Political Observation    
Seminar on International Relations of Modern Japan        
Seminar on Big Data Analytics      
Seminar on Politics of Modern Central Banking    
Seminar on Social and Economic Networks      
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
R Language and Text Mining: An Application of Public Issues        
Ting-Wu Hu Mini Course -Interpretive Methods in the Study of Politics      
Ting-Wu Hu Mini Course-The Rise and Fall of Democracies around the World      
Seminar on Political Science and Culture Studies      
IR Theory and Ancient Chinese History    
Seminar on Asian Democratization    
Seminar on Domestic Politics and International Relations    
Ting-Wu Hu Mini Course-International Political Economy  
Basic Mathematics for Social Science      
Applied Regression Analysis      
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Seminar on IPE and Epidemic Control and Prevention    
Political Risk Analysis of Domestic Luxury Consumption in China      
Seminar on Political and Economic Interaction across Taiwan Strait    
European Union’s Foreign Policy And Its Indo-Pacific Strategy      
International Journalism Writing and Practical Training    
Democratic Regression and Democratic Resilience in Asia    
Seminar on Comparative Politics of Southeast Asia    
International Political Economy    
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Security      
Seminar on Inequality, Society, and the State    
Core Courses
A. Democratic Outlook
B. Global Vision
C. Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
D. Independent Thought and Rational Critique
E. Professional Knowledge of Political Science
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Comparative Civil-Military Relations in Democracies and Autocracies    
Core Capabilities A
Democratic Outlook
Global Vision
Understanding of and Participation in Public Affairs
Independent Thought and Rational Critique
Professional Knowledge of Political Science
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 191)
69 117 88 145 134