Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on Problems of Oriental Philosophy (1)
Seminar on Problems of Oriental Philosophy (2)
Special Study:On the Notion of the Harmful in Mozi          
Independent Study: Conceptual Metaphor Theory Meets Zhuangzi    
Independent Study: The Comparation between “Témoignage” and “Knowing Tianming”          
Special Study:Metametaphysics        
Special Study:Truthmaker Theory and Ground Theory        
Special Study:Metaphysical Grounding      
Special Study:Reliabilism and Social Epistemology      
Special Study:Philosophical Issues about the Classification of Natural Kinds      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Special Study:Armstrong's Metaphysics      
Special Study:The Metaphysics of Natural Kinds      
Special Study:Group Agency        
Special Study: Aristotle's Philosophy of Action        
Special Study: The Practical Philosophy of Hadot      
Independent Study: Kant's Teleology        
Independent Study: The Lottery Paradox    
Independent Study: Recent Work On Virtue Epistemology    
Independent Study: Knowledge First Epistemology    
Independent Study: Mereology and Extensionality      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Independent Study: Metametaphysics and Metaphysical Knowledge    
Guide to Writing Philosophical Essays
Seminar on Confucianism        
Seminar on Taoism        
Seminar on Buddhism        
Reading of English Works on Chinese Philosophy        
Reading of Japanese Works on Chinese Philosophy        
Seminar on Buddhist Philosophy of Language      
Seminar in Tathagatagarbha's Philosophy on Life    
Seminar in Buddhist Path to Emancipation    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar in Bddhist Path to Enlightenment      
Seminar in Buddhist Prajnaparamita      
Seminar in the Mandhyamaka School of Philosophy      
Seminar on the Philosophy of the Lu-shih Chun-chiu            
Contemporary Taoism        
Selected English Works on Daoist Thought        
Pre-qin Master's Views on Language        
Seminar on Confucius's Interpretation of Canons        
English Writings on Pre-qin Philosophy      
Seminar on the South-sung Confucianism    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Research on the Philososphy of the Laozi        
Study in "the Four Texts of the Yellow Emperor"    
Seminar on the Confucianism in the Guodian Fhu Tomb Texts          
Research on the Mozi        
Seminar in Buddhist Doctrine of Consciousness-only    
The Philosophy of Ming School of Pre-qin Period    
Research in Philosophy of Zhuangzi        
Introduction to Classical Chinese Philosophy      
Seminar on Confucianism in Shanghai Museum          
Seminar on Philosophy of the Wei-jin Period        
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on Chinese Mahayana Buddhist Thought      
Seminar in Buddhist Philosophy of Life  
Seminar on the Confucianism in the Ming Dynasty    
Japanese Thought Under the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy        
Seminar on the Philosophy of I-ching      
Seminar on Pre-qin Philosophy      
Seminar on Methods for Comparative Research on East-asian Confucianism      
Research on the Outer and Miscellaneous Zhuangzi Chapters      
Pre-qin Study of Names and Disputation        
Seminar on East-asian Thought and Philosophy of Xunzi    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Philosophy        
A Study on Methodology of Chinese Philosophy          
Buddhist Philosophy of Meditative Practices      
Buddhist Philosophy of Language  
Seminar on Inner Seven Chapters of "Zhuang Zi"        
Buddhist Ethics of Life        
Philosophical Reading of the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa        
Philosophical Reading of Prajñāpāramitā-sūtra        
Research on the Philosophy of the Huayan School        
Seminar on the Philosophy of Mou Zongsan          
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Philosophical Reading of the Mūla-madhyamaka-kārikā        
Seminar on Philosophy of Jizang            
Seminar on Heidegger's Being and Time          
Seminar on Confucius        
Neo-confucian Philosophical Problems    
Seminar on the Philosophy of I-ching        
Seminar on Han Philosophical Thought        
Kant's Critique of Practical Reason (1)  
Kant's Critique of Practical Reason (2)  
Readings in German Classical Aesthetics (1)    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Readings in German Classical Aesthetics (2)    
Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1)  
Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (2)  
Kant's Moral Philosophy (1)      
Kant's Moral Philosophy (2)      
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason        
Seminar on the Philosophy of Hsun-tzu          
Studies in Philosophy of Han-fei        
Seminar on Problems of Sung-ming Neo-confucianism        
Seminar on Philosophy of the Wei-jin Period      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Language and Metaphysics    
Popper's Philosophy and Science      
Mind and World      
Theory of Knowledge and Method in Hegel (1)    
Theory of Knowledge and Method in Hegel (2)    
Experinece and the World    
A Study of Fichte's Early Philosophy        
Non-classical Logic        
The Concept of Existence    
Theories of Rference      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Existence and Identity  
Theories of Truth      
Theories of Meaning      
Elementary Model Theory        
Elementary Set Theory        
Formalization of Deductive Systems        
Rawls's Theory of Justice    
Seminar on Fundamental Issues of Moral Philosophy          
Seminar on Normative Ethical Issues of Moral Philosophy      
Virtues and Eq        
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Moments of Consciousness in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1)    
Moments of Consciousness in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (2)    
Theories of Causality            
Readings in Philosophy of Science      
Scientific Relativism:p.feyerabend      
Godel S Incompleteness Theorem        
Antirealism and Formal Logic      
Non-classical Logic        
Hilary Putnam on Meaning      
Philosophy of Mind and Cognition    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Critics of Burge      
Kant on Freedom and Determinism      
Moments of Self-consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit      
Philosophy of Cognitive Science          
Topics in Philosophy of Mind:self-consciousness        
Kant's Dialectic of Freedom and Determinism      
The Idea of Artistic Beauty in Hegel's Aesthetics (1)      
The Idea of Artistic Beauty in Hegel's Aesthetics (2)      
The Philosophy of Donald Davidson      
Topics in Philosophy of Science        
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Independent Study: On Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit    
Philosophical Reading of Suvikrāntavikrāmi-Paripṛcchā        
Seminar on the Philosophy of Blue Cliff Record          
Buddhist Philosophy of Ineffability      
Research on Buddha-Nature Thought        
Buddhist Philosophy of Sex and Gender      
Research on Wang Bi's Philosophy          
Buddhist Philosophy of Cognition and Vision        
Buddhist Philosophy of Time and Space      
On the History of Ideas as a Research Method for Early Chinese Philosophy      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Sense Faculties, Sense Objects, Consciousnesses, Mind and the Nature of Mind        
Seminar on Ming-Qing Confucianism  
Seminar on Huainanzi        
Life Healing From the Consciousness-Only Perspective        
Zhuangzi and Contemporary Ethics        
Contemporary Interpretations of Song Ming Neo-Confucian Philosophy  
Practical Philosophy in the Chinese and Greco-Roman Traditions  
Seminar on Abhidharma Philosophical Topics        
Guo Xiang's Commentary on Zhuangzi          
Research on the HuangLao Silk Manuscripts          
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on Philology and Philosophy of the Guodian Chu Texts        
Metaphor Theories and Chinese Philosophy    
Tathagatagarbha Thought and the Awakening of Faith        
Buddhist Philosophy of Consciousness    
Philosophical Reading of the Gandavyuha-sutra        
Buddhism and Analytic Philosophy: Reading Mark Siderits        
Philosophical Reading of Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures      
Selected Readings of Tibetan Buddhist Canons (Ⅰ)        
Selected Readings of Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures (Ⅱ)        
Analogical Reasoning and Chinese Philosophy    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Indian Buddhist Philosophy      
Tibetan Buddhism      
The Middle Way Philosophy of Candrakīrti          
Methodology in the Study of Indian Buddhism      
The Ultimate Buffer: Death and Dying Envisioned from the Other Side    
Huainanzi and Civil Philosophy      
Madhyamaka Philosophy in India          
Dharmakirti's Primer on Buddhist Epistemology          
Universalism in East Asian Intellectual and Religious History    
Comparative Confucian Philosophy          
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Laṅkāvatārasūtra and the Awakening of Faith          
Studies in Sthiramati's Yogācāra Thought          
Dharmakīrti's Epistemology        
Selected Readings in Confucian Ethics        
Dignity and Morality of Human Life          
Freedom in Kant      
The End of Modernity        
Anti-realism in Metaphysics      
Evolutionary Ethics        
Kant's Theory of Free Will and Morality    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on Kant's Theoretical Philosophy    
Abstract Right in Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1)    
Abstract Right in Hegel's Philosophy of Right (2)    
Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (1)      
Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals (2)      
Heidegger's Being and Time (1)        
Heidegger's Being and Time (2)        
Plato's Notion of the Tripartite Soul      
American Pragmatism        
Virtue Ethics  
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
History of Free Will        
Comparative Moral Psychology    
Seminar on Nicomachean Ethics      
Questions in Moral Philosophy of Kant        
Topics in Metaethics:Normativity          
Seminar on Particulars and Universals      
Seminar on De Rerum Natura      
Seminar on Substance and Essence      
Logic and Foundations of Mathematics
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Kant's Aesthetics      
Analytic Essays on Free Will        
Epistemic Logic      
Topics in Philosophy of Mind:Body and Subjectivity          
Topics in Metaethics:Moral Motivation      
Contemporary Continental Aesthetics
The Philosophy of David Lewis      
Seminar in Epistemology:The Closure Principle        
Topics in the Philosophy of Logic        
Interdisciplinary Investigations of Bodily Experiences (Ⅰ)        
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Seminar on De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum      
Chinese Philosophy in Comparative Context      
Methodology of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (1)    
Methodology of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (2)    
Four Views on Free Will      
Early Analytic Philosophy        
Interdisciplinary Investigations of Bodily Experiences (Ⅱ)        
Topics in Metaphysics:Causation      
Modern French Philosophy        
Kant's Theory of Freedom      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Mele on Free Will      
Korsgaard's Kantian Ethics        
The Existential Analytic of Heidegger        
The Philosophy of W. V. O. Quine      
Seminar in Philosophy of Mind:Mental Representation        
Interdisciplinary Investigations of Bodily Experiences (Ⅲ)        
Critical Theory      
Deliberative Democracy      
Study of Stoic Texts      
Notion and Division of Hegel's Science of Logic    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Rationality in Action    
The Metaphysics of Modality      
Topics in Metaphysics: Material Composition      
Darwall's Second-personal Ethics        
The Doctrine of Being in Hegel's Science of Logic (1)    
The Doctrine of Being in Hegel's Science of Logic (2)    
Topics in Metaphysics: Properties        
Topics in Metaethics: Constructivism      
Plato on Love        
Philosophy and Rhetoric: The Greek Reflection      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Kant's Philosophy of History    
Fischer's Metaphysics of Free Will      
Philosophy of Time      
Contemporary Metaphysics      
Philosophy of Adorno        
Conceptions of Physicalism    
Korsgaard and Darwall on Ethics      
Plato on Knowledge        
The Theory of Relativity and Time    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Overview of Philosophy of Matter      
Social Suffering          
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations §§1-184        
Modal Epistemology        
Cultural Industry        
Time Travel      
Seminar on Religious Beliefs        
Comparative Philosophy: Theory      
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations §§185-693        
Living without Free Will        
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Philosophical & Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility & Free Will        
Hegel's Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics  
Political Philosophy of John Rawls    
Comparative Philosophy: Practice      
Temporal Experience and the Metaphysics of Time      
Social Ontology    
Ordinary Language Philosophy    
Scanlon's Contractualism      
Seminar on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit  
Plato and the Sophists      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Metaphysics and Epistemology of Time      
Causal Models      
Plato's Statesman      
Modernity: The Cosmological Shift      
Contemporary Phenomenology: The Perspective of Philosophy of Mind    
Paradoxes of Time Travel      
The Concept of Infinity in Hegel's Science of Logic    
The Philosophy of Walter Benjamin        
Topics in Ethics: Intention and Permissibility    
Philosophical Logic    
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Metaphysical Grounding      
Decision Theory    
Aristotle's Politics      
Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason    
The Legal and Ethical Balance between Patient Autonomy and Life Protection        
Theories of Mental Representation from Plato to Kant  
Theories of Mental Representation from Kant to Our Time  
Contemporary Applications of Enlightenment Metaphysics
Contemporary French Philosophy      
Philosophy of Mathematics      
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Axel Honneth's Struggle for Recognition        
Artificial Intelligence and Civic Philosophy        
Free Will and Moral Responsibility      
The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap      
Philosophy of Language      
Topics in Ethics: Moral Responsibility        
The Politics of Difference and Communicative Democracy    
Study of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya        
Selected Readings in Early Chinese Political Philosophy          
Core Courses
A. Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
B. Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
C. Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
D. Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
E. Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
F. Having participated in international academic exchanges
G. Being proficient in academic languages
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G]
Contemporary New Confucianism
Core Capabilities A
Being familiar with the state of the art and the newest academic information in one's research field
Being capable of proposing insightful interpretations of the classics of one's research field
Being capable of proposing original critiques on major issues and philosophers of one's research field
Knowing how to integrate the humanities with the sciences and how to engage in interdisciplinary discussion
Being capable of presenting papers at domestic and international conferences or submitting papers to academic journals
Having participated in international academic exchanges
Being proficient in academic languages
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 301)
260 203 263 130 72 64 164