Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Pro-seminar on Musicology (Ⅰ)        
Pro-seminar on Musicology (Ⅱ)        
Nineteenth-century European Music        
Seminar on Nanguan Research      
Seminar on Popular Music        
Jazz Music        
Nanguan Music:appreciation and Practice      
Jass Music        
Introduction to Western Music Theory        
Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Gu Qin Music:appreciation and Practice (Ⅰ)      
Gu Qin Music:appreciation and Practice (Ⅱ)      
Music Sociology      
New Music in the Twentieth Century      
History of Chinese Music      
Global Music Culture    
Nanguan Music:appreciation and Practice (Ⅰ)      
Soundscapes: Music Cultures of the World and of Taipei      
Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Readings in European Music Aesthetics      
Listening and Music Aesthetics  
Music, Evolution and the Brain        
Western Music in the World Context      
Media, Machine, Music: a Graduate Seminar      
Studying Popular Music      
Music Culture in Modern China    
Issues on Musical Modernity: Music, Technology, and Form      
Soundscape/sound Art: Concepts and Practices      
Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Reading Japanese Music-related Materials: a Graduate Seminar      
Western Music and Asia      
Introduction to Sound Studies    
Record Industry and Historical Recordings    
Mandarin Pop Songs: 1930-1970, Music History and Methodology  
Recording Industry in Pre-1945 East Asia
Music of India (Tabla)——North India Drums      
Music and Dance in Bali (Gamelan Angklung)      
Central Javanese Music and Dance    
Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Balinese Music and Dance Kebyar    
Reading Japanese Music-related Materials (2): A Graduate Seminar(Ⅱ)  
Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance (for Beginners)    
Balinese Gamelan Music and Dance (Advanced)    
Sound Media in Colonial Taiwan
Music of India - Tabla Advanced Class      
Indigenous Country: Indigenous Media and Modernity  
Voice and Voicing  
Multimodal Ethnography: Media, Senses, Responsibility    
Music, Place, and Mobility    
Core Courses
A. Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
B. Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
C. Original research and Clear expression
D. Local, Asian and Global Perspective
E. Passion for Humanistic Education
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
Reading in Classical Chinese Music Materials
Music and Theater in the Euro-American Context  
Music and Dance of Contemporary Indigenous Peoples
Genealogies of Musical Knowledge:readings in Music Aesthetics        
Seminar in Chinese Music  
Core Capabilities A
Broad- and open-mindedness toward music and musicology
Critical thinking and ability to collaborate
Original research and Clear expression
Local, Asian and Global Perspective
Passion for Humanistic Education
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 55)
40 23 19 39 15