Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Taiwan Folklore & Folk Culture              
An Introduction to Postwar Taiwan Fiction                
Scientific Taiwan                
Taiwan Fiction and Postwar Urban Experience            
Introducing Taiwan War Fiction: From Anti-communism to Post-modernism        
Taiwan Fiction and Postwar Urban Experience            
Special Topic on Taiwan Literature: Literature and Resistance                  
Selected Readings in Taiwan Literature: From the Colonial Period to 1987        
Selected Readings of Taiwan Literature in English Translation        
Introduction to Dream of the Red Chamber II              
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Selected Readings in Modern Taiwanese Novels                
Introducing Taiwan Eco-literature: Writing Mountains, Forests, and the Ocean                
Introduction to Dream of the Red Chamber III                  
Local Queer Literatures and Virtual Communities            
Selected Readings in Contemporary Taiwanese Plays            
Taiwan Through Queer Film and Literature            
Selected Readings on Postwar Taiwanese Fictions        
Cinema and Literature        
History and 'Her Stories' in Taiwan Literature        
Selected Readings of Postwar Taiwan Fiction            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Introduction to Historical Fictions in Postwar Taiwan            
Sinophone Cinema        
Selected Readings of Taiwan Religious Literature            
Exploring Taiwan: Theatre, Community and Art
Selected Readings in Modern Taiwanese Novels          
Introduction to Taiwan Literary History            
New Compilation of Taiwanese Literature            
Selected Readings in Taiwan Classic Literature        
Selected Readings in ghost stories in Taiwan Literature        
Chinese Classical Literature and the Trend of Literature and Art                    
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Media and Taiwan Culture        
Selected Readings in Taiwan Classic Literature II          
Introduction to Taiwan Literature and Culture        
Selected Readings of Contemporary Taiwanese Prose: Emotions and Humanities          
Dissertation (Ph.D.)        
Themed Discussion (2)          
Seminar on Sociology of Literature          
Seminar on Transnational Literature and Culture          
Topics on the History of Taiwan Literature (Ⅰ)(1)        
Topics on the History of Taiwan Literature (2)        
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Introduction to Taiwan Languages (1)                  
Introduction to Taiwan Languages (2)                  
Introduction to Taiwan Languages          
Literary Theory and Methodology (1)                  
Topics on Literature Study (Ⅰ)          
Topics on Taiwan Aboriginal Literature          
Topic on Taiwan Indigenous Oral Literture            
Topics on Modern Literature and Urban Culture          
Topics on Taiwan Aboriginal Literature              
Seminar on 1950's Literature and Culture          
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar on Food Literature and Culture              
Seminar on Taiwan's Popular Fiction of Japanese Colonial Period          
Selected Readings of Japanese Documents on Taiwan Literature Study              
Seminar on Modern Poetry and Gender Study              
Seminar on Taiwan Classic Literature History          
Seminar on 1940s's Taiwan Literature            
Seminar on Taiwan Folk Literature              
Reading Classic Chinese of the Study of Taiwan Literature              
Taiwan Literature and Poetic Theory          
Issues in Taiwan Languages            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminat on Taiwan Indigenous Dral Literature            
Seminar on Chinese Classic Literature          
Seminar on Relations of Taiwan and Japan Traditional Chinese Writing                  
Japan "foreign" Literature and Taiwan Literature            
Urban Space and Modern Literature          
Taiwan Literature at The Dawn of The Postwar            
Seminar on Taiwan Literature and War Discourse                
Transnational Feminism in the Context of Globalization                
Taiwan-japan Topics in Comparative Literature          
Modern Japanese Literature and Lu Xun          
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar on Modern Poetry Societies and Poets            
Chinese Classical Literature in the World Literature            
The relationship of literature and culture between Taiwan and Fujian        
Seminar on Theory of Culture and Society            
Chinese Poetics                
Seminar on City and Gender studies        
Special Project :The Development and Transformation of Taiwanese Folklore          
Studies of the Literature in Chinese              
Literature research and writing practice(Ⅰ)              
Seminar on Travel Writing            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar on Taiwan society and writings during Japanese colonial period        
Literary Criticism and Thesis Writing Seminar                
Literature research and writing practice (Ⅱ)              
Special Project: Literary and Cultural Studies            
Special Project: Travel Literature in the Age of Tourism            
Topics on Taiwan's Modernism Fiction        
The Lyrical in Epic Time              
Study of Tradition & Innovation of Taiwan Folklore              
Taiwan Modern Peotry                
Independent Study: War Writing and the History of Taiwan Literature        
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Comparative of Taiwan Literature & Chinese Literature in        
Seminar on Literature and Media Studies        
The Island literature of Taiwan: Formosa, Kinmen, Penghu and other islands        
Taiwan Japanese Colonial Feature-length Novels            
Selected Readings In Subjectivity              
Contemporary Taiwanese Postcolonial Fiction            
Seminar on Taiwan Indigenous Images and Literature        
The Literature Relations between Fujian and Taiwan and East Asia Studies        
Theories and Methods of Literary Study          
Taiwanese Plays and Cultural Studies          
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar On Realistic Fiction in Postwar Taiwan          
Indigenous Images and Literatures in Taiwan        
Introduction to Taiwan Languages            
The Study of East Asian Historical Novel            
Seminar in Taiwanese Queer Theater              
Contemporary Taiwanese Fiction        
The aborigine’s eyes:From being seen to seeing          
Literary Theory                  
Monograph on the Relationship of Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature        
Selected Readings on Temporality and Spatiality            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar On Taiwan Novels              
Seminar on Cultural Theory              
Study of Historical Narrative and Practice        
Cultural Studies and Stage Writing        
Literary Theory and Thesis Writing                
Cultural Fields and Literary Production in Postwar Taiwan        
Taiwan Literature and Cultural Criticism in Postwar Taiwan        
Seminar on Sinophone Cinema            
Memorial Materials and Taiwan Literature Study            
Selected Readings in Feminist Theory            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Taiwan Literature and Knowledge Economy: From Research Papers to Products        
Special Project:Sinophone Studies and Taiwanese literature        
Research and Reculturation of Taiwan Literature        
Studies in Taiwan Literature and Society during Japan Colonial Period        
Representing Japan in Taiwan Literature and Film          
Seminar on Contemporary Literary Thoughts          
Seminar on Taiwan Literature Research Methods and Author Theory                
Taiwan Novel Studies and Thesis Writing        
Seminar on Taiwan Literature and Religion          
A Study of Indigenous Peoples’ Mythology and Rituals          
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Place Perception and Knowledge Production          
Topics of Taiwan Modern Poetry’s History            
Introduction to Monster Theory            
Literary Criticism and Thesis Writing of Taiwan Literature during Japanese Rule        
Taiwan Literary Studies and Creative Writing        
Historical materials and Fictional Narratives        
Research on Modern Women's Poetics in Taiwan
Seminar on Sociology of Literature        
Selected Reading on Contemporary Thoughts            
Seminar on Taiwan Local Literary Creation            
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
The Posthuman and Literary Imagination          
Literature Theories and Cultural Thoughts                
Seminar on Taiwanese Writer:Sung Tse-lai’s Works            
Selected Readings in Queer and Cultural Thoughts              
Seminar on Taiwan Yokai            
Special Project: Digital Resources and Thesis Writing              
Seminar on Taiwan Indigenous Fiction          
Textuality,Audibility and Visibility:Taiwanese Popular Literature in Intermediat        
Seminar on Taiwanese Literature and Christian Writing            
Ecocriticism in the Anthropocene        
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar on Taiwan Indigenous Literature: Prose and Poetry        
Special Topic on Queer Culture and Theories              
Taiwan Documentary Studies          
Special Topics in Taiwanese Author:CHANG WEN-HUAN        
Seminar on Transnational Migration and Contemporary Taiwan Culture        
Special Topics on Subjectivities Theory and Research Essay Writing Methods        
Seminar on Contemporary Taiwan Cinema        
Affect Studies        
Seminar on Film Adaptation and Transmedia Narrative          
Law and Literature        
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Seminar on Taiwanese American Literature                
Taiwan Literature and Cultural Studies from an Asian Perspective        
Comparative Perspectives on Taiwan Literature and Cultural Studies    
Seminar on Landscape and Nature of Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period              
Comparative Studies of Taiwan and Korean Literature(1895-1945)      
Taiwan Modern Poetry        
Taiwan's Popular Literature and Culture During Japanese Colonial Period            
Taiwan Through Literature                
Reading Taiwan's Modernism Fiction          
Chinese Literature in Manchukuo              
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Selected Japanese Modern Novels                  
Literature and Culture in Taiwan        
Close reading of Japanese Modern Literature            
Urban Space and Literature in Taiwan            
Reading of Japanese modern literature              
Reading of the Literature in Japanese              
Introduction to Dream of the Red Chamber        
Understanding Postwar Japan through Literature and Cinema          
Digital Resources of Taiwanese Studies I            
Digital Resources of Taiwanese Studies II      
Core Courses
A. The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
B. Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
C. Mastering research theories and methodologies.
D. Conducting literature review and independent research.
E. The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
F. Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
G. Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
H. Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
I. The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
J. Developing practical applications of literary studies.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]
Literature, Arts and Museum Curation          
Core Capabilities A
The ability to comprehend the interrelation between the history of Taiwan literature and cultural construction.
Interpreting and evaluating works by important writers and literary themes.
Mastering research theories and methodologies.
Conducting literature review and independent research.
The ability to recognize the significance of the diversity of Taiwan's languages and ethnic cultures
Integrating diverse cultural perspectives and international viewpoints.
Analyzing archival materials related to Taiwan literature.
Innovating new perspectives in Taiwan literary criticism.
The ability to master interdisciplinary and cross-media research and expression skills
Developing practical applications of literary studies.
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 181)
126 142 149 139 102 122 5 8 8 6