Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Calculus (general Mathematics) (a)(1)          
Calculus (general Mathematics) (a)(2)          
Service Learning (a)          
Service Learning (b)          
General Physics (a)(1)          
General Physics (a)(2)          
Advanced Placement of General Physics          
History of Physics (Ⅰ)          
History of Physics (Ⅱ)          
General Physics Lab. (1)        
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
General Physics Lab. (2)        
General Physics Lab.(Ⅰ)        
General Physics Lab.(Ⅱ)        
Our Amazing Universe!          
The World of Particle Physics          
Coding for Simple Physics Simulation          
Service Learning-International Companions for Learning            
International Companions for Learning            
Physics for Future CXOs        
Applied Mathematics (Ⅰ)          
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Applied Mathematics (Ⅱ)          
Applied Mathematics (1)          
Applied Mathematics (2)          
Applied Mathematics : Recitation (1)          
Applied Mathematics : Recitation (2)          
Mechanics : Recitation          
Mechanics (1)          
Mechanics (2)          
Mechanics : recitation(1)          
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Electricity and Magnetism (1)          
Electricity and Magnetism (2)          
Electricity and Magnetism (1)          
Electromagnetics : recitation(1)          
Electronics (Ⅰ)        
Lab for Electronics (Ⅰ)          
Lab for Electronics(Ⅰ)          
Electronics (Ⅱ)          
Lab for Electronics (Ⅱ)          
Applied Mathematics (Ⅲ)          
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Applied Mathematics (Ⅳ)          
Physics of the Earth and Planets        
Quantum Physics (1)          
Quantum Physics (2)          
Thermal Physics          
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics        
Modern Physics Lab.        
self-exploratory experimental physics (Ⅰ)        
Self-exploratory Experimental Physics(Ⅱ)          
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
General Astronomy          
Fluid Mechanics          
Undergraduate Student Seminar          
Introduction to Numerical Analysis          
The Physics of Energy          
Scientific Inquiry and Practice          
Introduction to Computational Physics (1)          
Introduction to Computational Physics (2)          
Practical Analog Electronics        
Practical Digital Electronics      
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Atomic and Optical Physics      
Special Topics in String Theory (Ⅲ)        
Experimental Particle Physics-special Topics        
Scanning probe microscopy: Fundamental, Application, and Practice        
Seminar (Ⅰ)        
Classical Electrodynamics (Ⅰ)        
Quantum Mechanics (Ⅰ)        
Quantum Mechanics (Ⅱ)        
Statistical Physics (Ⅰ)      
Introduction to Solid State Physics        
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Classical Mechanics        
Introduction of Display Optoelectronics      
Introduction to Nuclear Physics        
Introduction to Quantum Optics          
Introduction to Astrophysics        
Introduction to Particle Physics        
Particle Physics        
Introduction to Plasma Physics          
Introduction to Biophysics        
Advanced Optical Microscopy in Biology      
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Liquid Crystal Optoelectronics      
Special Topics on Experimental Physics (Ⅰ)      
Special Topics in Theoretical Physics (Ⅰ)      
Special Topics on Experimental Physics (Ⅱ)      
Special Topics in Theoretical Physics (Ⅱ)      
Introduction to Supersymmetry          
Modern Atomic and Molecular Physics        
Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics (Ⅰ)        
Introduction of Paticle Astrophycis      
Experimental Techniques in Particle Astrophysics        
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics(Ⅱ)          
Introduction to differential geometry for physicists          
Origin of Our & Other Solar Systems          
Topics on Theoretical Materials Physics          
Attosecond Ultrafast Science          
Molecular Physics: From Fundamentals to Practices          
Introduction to Recent Trends in Atomic and Molecular Physics        
Computational Methods in Particle Astrophysics        
Introduction to Soft Matter          
Instrumental Methods in Particle Astrophysics        
Core Courses
A. Knowledge of basic physics
B. Knowledge of intermediate physics
C. Knowledge of advanced physics
D. Physics-related mathematics
E. Experimantal physics capabilities
F. Research-oriented physics
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F]
History of Physics        
Biophysics under the Microscope  
Introduction to Semiconductor Optoelectronics        
Introduction to Complex Systems          
Core Capabilities A
Knowledge of basic physics
Knowledge of intermediate physics
Knowledge of advanced physics
Physics-related mathematics
Experimantal physics capabilities
Research-oriented physics
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 104)
49 33 18 18 25 18