Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Welfare Demography        
Thesis (M.S.)          
Social Work Theory          
Field Work (Ⅱ)        
Field Work (Ⅰ)        
Social Work Issues Today            
Seminar on Social Change and Welfare Issues          
Field Work        
Methods of Social Work Research        
Qualitative Research          
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Women and Social Policy          
Topics in Self Development for Helping Professionals        
Advanced Social Statistics            
Family-centered Social Work Practice            
Work and Family            
Social Policy Analysis        
Poverty and Social Assistance            
Seminar on Social Welfare          
Behaviroal Economics for Social Change          
Seminar on Gerontological Social Work          
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Population aging and social policy          
Ageing Social Policies in East Asia            
Seminar on Long-Term Care Services        
Supervision in Social Work            
Advanced Group Work Practice          
Seminar on the Privatization of Social Services          
Community Resource Management            
Projects on the consumer-based considerate services        
Community-Based Participatory Research in Social Work    
Collaborative Curiosity: Designing Community-Engaged Research            
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Seminar on Social Services and Policies to Youths        
Seminar on Domestic Violeuce      
Economic Analysis of the Welfare State          
Seminar on Family Therapy and Health          
Family and Cancer        
Family Systems            
Integrative Body-Mind Spirit Social Work        
Seminar on Equity and Health Care        
Seminar on Judicial Correction and Psychiatric Social Work            
Seminar on Gender and Violence            
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Issues on the Disadvantaged and Social Work Ethics          
Ethics in Social Work        
Social Advocacy Practice Workshop        
Intersectionality and Social Work Practice with LGBTQ+ Population          
Community Resources Management            
Nonprofit Organization Management and Development                
Social Enterprise and Innovation          
Seminar on Gender and Violence            
Cost-benefit Analysis in Social Policy              
Theories and Social Applications of Behavioral Economics      
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Big Data Analysis in Social Welfare          
Contracting of Social Services              
Social Service Delivery: Behavioral Economics and Implementation Science        
Introductory Gerontology          
Disaster Governance and Social Work          
Child Welfare    
Child and Youth Protective Services        
International Social Work Practice        
Cultural Diversity and Social Work      
Child and Youth Protective Services        
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Substitute Care in Child Welfare        
Medical Social Work            
Psychiatric Social Work      
Family, Health and Illness        
Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health            
Working with Children in Crisis the Role of Social Workers            
Child Play Therapy            
Social Work Management          
Comparative Social Policy              
East-asian Social Policy              
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Poverty and Socuial Security              
Poverty, Employment and Social Policy        
Evidence-based Social Work Interventions with Children and Adolescents            
The Seminar on the Trauma Counseling          
Trauma, Diversity, & Resilience      
Trauma Informed Practice in Child Welfare          
Case Management in Social Work          
Seminar on Health Behaviors and Clinical Social Work Practice      
Indigenous Social Work Community Practice Workshop      
Field Work          
Core Courses
A. Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
B. Cross-disciplinary and team work
C. Values and ethics
D. Diversity and self-awareness
E. International views
F. Critical thinking and study
G. Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
H. Prolen analysis and Independent study
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H]
Social Structure & Crime Prevention            
Professional Forensic Interviewing with Children            
Core Capabilities A
Problem-solving oriented knowledge and skills
Cross-disciplinary and team work
Values and ethics
Diversity and self-awareness
International views
Critical thinking and study
Policy analysis and cross-national comparison
Prolen analysis and Independent study
Number of Core Courses
(Number of All Courses: 82)
64 29 48 32 27 29 11 14