第 1 週 (Week 1) - 第 5 週 (Week 5) (06/24 - 07/28)
102 83020  
: 9   : 0
 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Course Description:
This course aims to develop students' English skills in college setting. In this six-week intensive English class, students will learn to express their opinions through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will read and write about a wide range of discussion topics/issues. Topic-related materials are provided to enhance students' listening comprehension. Toward the end of the course, students will conduct and present independent research on a topic of their own interest. In a team, students will also co-teach one unit from the assigned textbook.

Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to (1) develop English skills in academic settings. (2) sharpen their critical inquiry skills through the four English skills, (3) learn to collaborate with the instructor and their peers, and (4) enhance self-confidence in expressing their views in English.

Recommended Texts:
Skillful 3: Listening & Speaking (2nd. Ed., Macmillan)

Course Requirements:
20% Attendance and participation: Students will need to attend class sessions and participate in class activities on a weekly basis. Some of the activities are planned while some are spontaneous. Good learning attitudes mainly include engage actively in various activities.

20% Writing assignments: Each student will need to complete two formal essays (around 2-3 pages) based on the Units we are studying in the course. Students can choose two weeks to submit papers between Week 2 and 4.

20% Speaking tasks: Students will complete speaking tasks in a pair or small group from the Units of the textbook.

20% Individual presentations: Each student will prepare and record one individual presentation based on the Unit topics of the textbook.

20% Final discussion & reflection: At the end of the course, students will be divided in groups and discuss with the instructor on an assigned issue.

[Weekly Schedule]

Week 1 /
Topic: Unit 1 on “Identity”
Activity/Assignment due:
1.Introduction to the course/ Self-introductions/ Register a Skype ID/ Create class group/ Assign Speaking groups/
2.Unit 1 in-class (on-line) activities
3.Unit 1 self-study (group) activities

Week 2 /
Topic: Unit 2 on “Design”
Activity/Assignment due:
1.Unit 2 in-class (on-line) activities
2.Unit 2 self-study (group) activities
3.Due: Unit 2 Writing assignment

Week 3 /
Topic: Unit 3 on “Thought”
Activity/Assignment due:
1.Unit 3 in-class (on-line) activities
2.Unit 3 self-study (group) activities
3.Due: Unit 3 Writing assignment

Week 4 /
Topic: Unit 4 on “Fire”
Activity/Assignment due:
1.Unit 4 in-class (on-line) activities
2.Unit 4 self-study (group) activities
3.Due: Unit 3 Writing assignment

Week 5 /
Topic: Unit 5 on “Movement”
Activity/Assignment due:
1.Unit 5 in-class (on-line) activities
2.Unit 5 self-study (group) activities
3.Due: Individual presentation +
Final discussion & reflection