第 1 週 (Week 1) - 第 5 週 (Week 5) (06/24 - 07/28)
147 U0370  
: 6   : 0
7, 8, 9, 107, 8, 9, 107, 8, 9, 107, 8, 9, 107, 8, 9, 10 
與國外學者合授。中英文授課。密集課程。上課時間為:7/9-7/19週一至週五第 7、8、9、10節。中英翻譯學程共同專業選修。

How to be modern? What does it mean when we are saying Modern China? What constitutes the understanding of modernities? This course will introduce the roles and functions of translation activities underpinning the nation-making process of China in the modern era. Translation is an act of mirroring the other, bridging cultural gaps and making progress toward an idealized (or imagined) modern state. This course will examine the political, cultural and socio-historical factors constituting the selections of the translation models when becoming modern China.

This course aims at providing comprehensive training in translation histories and theories, with emphasis on the new discipline known as Translation Studies that emerged in the 1970s. The course will illustrate the application and understanding of the theories with a special case study in Modern China. Students will have a good grasp of various schools of thought in translation theories and a thorough understanding of modern literary and cultural history.

Upon completion of this course, students will understand the theoretical foundations and current frameworks for research in translation studies. Students will possess a working knowledge of the methodology and research techniques to conduct research in translation studies and intercultural communication issues. Students will acquire a critical mindset and useful skills on how to conduct research in translation studies.

Any students who are interested in modern history are welcome to join this course. The course will be useful for students who aspire to build their careers in journalism, creative/ heritage /cultural industries, and education professions.

Students will acquire a sound understanding of the theories, histories and exemplary case studies of translators, translated texts and translation ideologies. Upon completion of this course, students will understand the theoretical foundations and current frameworks in discussing translation studies. Students will possess a broad knowledge of the formation of modern China through the lens of translation.

No prerequisite
Able to read bilingual (English and Chinese) reference materials
Possess fundamental knowledge of Translation studies as an academic discipline.